

Lego (an abbreviation for lege godt, meaning play well in Danish) is quite possibly the most perfect toy ever invented!!! Just my humble opinion.


  1. when our son was three, my husband took him to the toy section of a large store and he picked out the pirate ship with several hundred pieces - thinking he would be able to HELP him with it!


    when they got home, our son took the directions out - NO WORDS ONLY PICTURES - and said, "no papa - i do it myself!"

    and he did!

    he's been a legomaniac ever since - there is no more soothing sound to me than to hear this 16 year old in his room at the cabin rifling through his legos. it's music to my ears.

    when i ask him what he's going to do with them, he says, "they're my legacy, mama - i'm giving them to my children."


  2. Whenever kids come over to our house I bring out a big tub of legos and almost invariably everyone is occupied and happy. I'm always amazed at the end of their visit what sort of things they came up with.

    I, too, LOVE the sound of someone rifling through a container of legos. It's the one toy in my house that 3 year olds and 16 year olds all find equally interesting.

    Anyone looking for legos -- this time of year Target always puts some of their old sets to 50% off and sometimes even 75% off.

  3. woohoo Jason..that is beyond impressive!!!!.lego my egooooooooo..ha

  4. LOL! I personally don't care for legos with my eggos, but heh, I guess I'm weird.

  5. They actually make eggos that are shaped like legos now. My girls love 'em.

  6. Stunning!

    Thanks for the shopping tip, have a great weekend!

  7. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Impressive! I have always loved Legos, but I remember when you got working single and double windows, several kinds of doors and some other pieces I don't think are in the sets any more. I still love them, though and keep some here at the house "for the grandkids" (yeah, right) :)

  8. frank family..now, you've got me wanting some legos! :) I wish I'd thought about it while I was out shopping today!

    I think that it would be fun just to have them around for when I get bored, or feel creative! I think they would work for either of those situations, don't you? :)

  9. Anonymous3:09 PM

    We used to build forts for our toy solders out of Legos and take turns attacking them with marbles. So long as the soldier stayed atop the baseplate that formed the floor, he was "alive"...

  10. we used rubber bands fj

  11. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Yeah, but our guys were inside the lego forts... you had to bash em up pretty good to free 'em up.

    btw - I can make a wicked rubber band gun given enough clothespins...

  12. Amateurs! Bottle rockets and lady fingers!!!

  13. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Blow 'em up! I like that! I bet the burn marks look cool on the white Lego bricks...

  14. It makes them smell good too!!!

  15. Whoa, these are amazing! I wish I had that kind of patience!

    Blowing up Legos? Don't let the 'rents catch you!

  16. I had Lincoln Logs, Tinker Toys and an Erector Set, a .22, traps, fishing gear and many thousands of acres to roam. The toys were ok when it was raining but we built cities in the dirt with our Tonka toys when we weren't fishing,swimming, turtle hunting, hunting squirrels or playing sports or war games and cowboy and indian. We all wanted to be the indians, Geronimo was the favorite. Legos, we didn't have time for them though I built a few models, stank at it, lol.
