
A New Job for Brett Favre

If ever there was an on-the-field match to the iconic presence that Remington Arms has established in the field it would be Brett Favre. Now the two are teammates. While Brett Favre is known as one of the best quarterbacks of all-time, he’s also an avid outdoorsman.

Remington Arms Company Inc., America’s oldest gunmaker now in their 192nd year of United States manufacturing, has just announced a multi-year marketing relationship with Favre. The 2007 season marked Favre’s astounding 17th year as a pro quarterback, and Brett was recently named Sports Illustrated’s Sportsman of the Year. Favre’s appeal to America is as much about his profound personal perseverance as it is his ability to put footballs in the hands of receivers, still, Favre makes no secret of the fact that hunting is one of his favorite ways to decompress.

When asked about his idea of the perfect day, Favre said, “If I could squeeze in throwing touchdown passes at a morning practice, lunch with my family and pulling the trigger on a trophy buck at sunset, that would be about as perfect as life can get. And it seems the older I get, the more I treasure the days spent in solitude in the woods. I’ve already hunted about 20 days this season, so this recent agreement with Remington is pretty special to me.”


  1. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Brett is a hero in our home!
    Yesterday was a sad day but we are happy for him and his new adventures...

  2. Kewl. I've got a couple hundred rounds of Remington ammo stashed away.

    "$pecial to me." ;)

  3. He should run for Governor of Wisconsin!

  4. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Boy, that guy has life whipped, doesn't he. I wish somebody would pay me to do things I enjoy!

  5. I'm glad he's going to have something to do now that football is over. I still think he had one more year in him, but I'm not the boss of him ;-)

  6. Brett for President! Shabbat shalom, everyone.

  7. hi buddy..ah yes the all American guy!

  8. hermit, that's what I thought! He gets paid well for doing exactly what he loves! And STILL he doesn't think life is "as perfect as it could get!" Naa...i think he's on to the fact that he is ONE LUCKY GUY! I hope so! WE ARE!

  9. He may need to move to Alabama then where its a deer a day limit and not one or two a season. He will be a great spokesman for Remington, good for both of them.

  10. I wonder what getting shot by one of these Remington guns would be like...

  11. irwinclan -- I don't suggest finding out!!! By the way, welcome. We're all friends here. Make yourself at home.
