
Even a 5-year-old Gets It!!!

I am staying home today with one of my daughters as she was running a fever yesterday. Today she seems to be doing just fine but schools don't want a child there until they have been fever-free for 24 hours. I was all too happy to get to spend the day with her and have a little daddy/daughter time. Having twins, one-on-one time doesn't happen all that often. Anyway, so far we have had breakfast, watched a little Handy Manny, cleaned all the guns I used last weekend, played a leap frog letter game, and just now we were watching Joe Biden give a speech up in Michigan. Of course he was ranting on about how John McCain is really just George Bush and called him Bush #44. Voted with Bush 90% blah-blah-blah. You know - the same drivel that Obama/Biden have been peddling to kill time while they watch their poll numbers plummet. After this Biden rant my daughter looked up at me and said:

"He's just lying about John McCain because he just wants to be President. What he's saying it just doesn't make any sense what he says. I think John McCain could make more sense than that."

I am so proud!!!


  1. She's a WEE-publican!!!
    Good job Mom and Dad!

  2. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Smart child. After November, if things go wrong, you may need to teach her how to throw a molotov cocktail! ;-)

  3. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Wee-publican. How cute!
    I remember asking my very first best friend, at the age of four, if she was a democrat or a republican. Wow. The fascination started early!

    She's adorable and soooo smart, Jason.

  4. Thats how I started, I got into politics at like age 11 and now I'm blogging away. Enjoy your site, just found it, a fun read.

  5. it all started for nancson at about the age of four or five when he became obsessed with ALLLLL the potuses - by the time he was eight, he could tell you what party they belonged to, their veepees, who they were married to, how many children, who was the tallest, shortest, what war was going on in their administration and the list went on - that's when pop started calling him "rainman" - ha!

    out of the mouths of babes.

  6. wow. i like a girl that can speak her mind! that's awesome!

    pinky turned me on to a new website called cafepress.com. they actually have a t-shirt for children that says "wee-publican"

    you know, in case you wanted to spoil your ailing daughter. :-)

    good post! :-)

  7. out of the mouths of babes.

    Nanc took the words out of my mouth.

    I love this

    You know - the same drivel that Obama/Biden have been peddling to kill time while they watch their poll numbers plummet.

  8. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Even a 5-year-old knows desperation when she hears it.

  9. Heheheheheh! Raising them right, I see! Thinking for themselves and critiquing what is said...well done!
    Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!


  10. Wee-publican. That's so cute. We have a couple of wee-publicans, but they're not so wee anymore.

  11. Smart girl. Takes after her old man probably.

  12. I love it! And glad she's feeling better!

    Too bad WEE-publicans can't vote!

  13. Thank you everyone!!! I have the greatest of friends.

  14. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Yeahhhhhhh! That's our girl. We grow them intelligent in this family, and of course I'm not pregedice, just a grandmother. Give those girls a hug for me.

  15. Anonymous11:28 PM

    ...I'm so lacking in "prejudice" that I couldn't even spell it right!!

  16. You and Mama Frank should start a school. I would pay money to send my kids there. Think about it, isn't it about time for a third-of-life crisis or something anyway?

  17. got a smart one there

    enjoy your day with her...they go fast.
