110 Billion dollars. That is exactly how much pork barrel spending is in the Senate's version of the bailout bill. How much more proof do we need that everyone currently in office should be replaced? They want us to pay 700 billion dollars for their deliberate mistakes and then they add in a 110 billion dollar present for themselves. Wake up, America. Wake up!!!
"Want me to flush that for you?" --US House of Representatives
i agree, but who do we replace them with? are you running?
TERM LIMITS (3 months!)
What do you expect? This is normal behavior for politicians...statesmen on the other hand, think of the country and the citizens before burdening them unnecessarily and punitively.
There is no further proof that we are seen as geese who lay golden eggs. But we are being starved to death, run out into the wilderness, and they have the gall to call in their fox and weasel cousins.
I hope the House gives an emphatic NO. I would not rely on them to but I sure hope they have better sense than the Senate. That would be the original concept of checks and balances. It's time for the Senate to be checked.
Probably the most saddening part of the entire thing is that both presidential candidates gave it a thumbs up. If they were going to make any sort of statement of change, this was the perfect opportunity.
The picture says it all.
Whats another 110 bil on top of 700?
Z, I do agree, but, we have term limits in Michigan and to be honest, I haven't really seen a huge difference. We just get new idiots more often.
Do you know where they came up with the number 700 billion?
Either do they.
here's a link to some of the spam...er pork.
But what to do? I wrote my Senators and one of them sent me a three page letter telling me why the bailout was a good thing. I expect he mailed out the same letter to the other 87,000 or so people who wrote him asking him not to shaft us.
And McCain, the "maverick" (LMAO) who is going to reform Washington (and now Wall Street also, big job) said what?
He just lubed us all up for a good planking like any other denizen of Washington.
True Ducky, true. I am extremely disappointed. My two Senators here in Missouri voted YES as well so they will not be receiving another vote from me.
There's a local Rep from South Boston who is just outside my district.
Rather conservative (YES, they do exist here) and I never really cared for him but he has been very vocal in opposition and has named some very straightforward measures (like a small stock transaction fee) which would force the street to participate in financing this bailout over its probable thirty years of being.
Principled conservatives, they are out there and some have stayed firm without being tempted by the pork.
Jason - I am curious to know, if you aren't voting for your senators again because of this, how do you feel about McCain voting yes?
Hmmm, it just passed. It's a certainty Bush will sign it but Wall Street is actually down a hundred points off its days high.
I would have expected a small rally at least.
Certainly hope this "credit crunch" wasn't artificial to get the peeps to go for a giveaway of the swag.
Ja - watch this
or on my page I just posted three videos.
Shaina -- I feel extremely disappointed and angry that McCain voted yes. It should have been a no-brainer to look at all the fat in this bill and decide that THIS is where you should make your stand and reject the pork. Show everyone before the election that you have the nerve to stand your ground on the senseless and wasteful spending. That being said, I MUST vote for McCain as Missouri is an extremely close state and Obama would be so much worse for the economy and for being able to choose the people to whom this new power of buying up mortgages goes. It honestly makes me ill to think that when things are at the toughest the rulers simply ruled and their were no leaders to lead.
I hear you. Though as Illinois is not going to be a close state at all, I am going to go ahead and vote for neither and vote for who I actually would really want. Actually I would have done that anyway, but I understand your position. I'm sure many Americans feel that way.
i was very touched by john boehner's display on the floor today. he actually began crying and i felt everybody did what they FELT they had to do.
and, as mccain stated that they're not really fixing anything so much as they're applying a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. unfortunately, the bleeders are still on the loose.
They didn't apply a tourniquet they just covered the gaping wound with leeches instead. How medieval of them.
Rewarding bad behavior just leads to more bad behavior.
When the actual depression is allowed to happen so we can get back on course its going to be much worse once all these band-aids are ripped off. Much worse than if we just let the market straighten itself out now.
I completely agree Shaina. It will come as history has a way of repeating itself. The only good that can come of this is if it wakes those of us who have eyes to see and ears to hear and causes us to prepare.
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