Newsweek's Jon Meacham thinks that Governor Sarah Palin is too much a commoner and too stupid to be allowed to become vice president of the United States of America and apparently his employer agrees with him. The October 13 cover of Newsweek features a close up photo of the Governor with the headline "She's One of the Folks (And that's the problem)," and Meacham writes the accompanying cover story. Be clear about what this means: This is a direct attack on Mr. and Mrs. America. We are all too stupid to be president in the elite opinion of Jon Meacham and Newsweek magazine.
Meacham finds Palin to be incurious, unprepared, and even finds it "dangerous" if she were to become our vice president but he offers us nothing but his opinion to judge by. And it's all because she doesn't measure up to his personal standards. Sadly for Meacham's elitism, however, Palin easily satisfies the standards that the Founding Fathers set as criteria for stepping into the highest office in the land. Curiously, Meacham does not once mention the actual Constitutional requirements to run for office in his entire sarcastic attack on Sarah Palin. Like most of his ilk, the Constitution seems meaningless minutia to him.
I'm surprised they didn't Photoshop a peppercorn into her teeth.
I want my President and V.P. to be "of the People". I want elected officials that I would feel comfortable sitting down with for a meal. They shouldn't be "celebrities" because they work for us. I don't want an elitist for President (or V.P.) who thinks I'm not smart enough to know what is best for myself and my family.
I made this same point a few days ago, she is what the founding father's envisioned when they wrote the Constitution, a citizen leader. There intent was not the bloated, power and money hungry, corrupt politician of today sucking at the public teat.
Second, one criticism of this picture, from Michelle Malkin, is that it was a close-up showing all of her flaws. I looked at it and still think she is a good looking woman.
If Americans weren't so obsessed with experts they would realize that the public opinion is always smarter than the leading experts given the same information. No single expert will generate the correct answer more than a diversified group's aggregated answer will. This is why democracy works. It is smarter than having the absolute smartest and good intentioned people in office. So no matter how smart someone is, they will never be smarter than the country as a whole.
Here's what I thought of the debate...while I thought alot of it was boring and some major issues that people want to hear were not covered...I was disappointed. But looking at the candidates themselves...I thought Obama did good in the beginning and McCain did better in the end when he got to talking about foreign policy...something he seems comfortable with, unlike Obama. The problem...we already heard the foreign policy debate in the first debate! Yeah, they talked about the healthcare thing...still, I am not impressed with either's plan.
I dunno...I'll still vote for McCain because I do think he's a good man and who means his word. And he will be good for our country. I have looked at his voting record and while I do not totally agree with him 100%, I do agree with him on many issues. Obama...I want him out...I do not want to see him as our next president...tho sadly, I think it will happen. I wish we would have a strong independent come out...I'd love to see a debate that includes the independents...but that will probably never happen....plus the debate would probably last 4 hours too. So McCain it is for me...I think he cares about our nation like alot of us do here. I think that he wants to do right by americans, unlike Obama who seems to be using his 173 day senator status as just a stepping stone to get to the presidency. I think he has his own hidden agenda...I want no part of Obama at all.Will Conservatives Help Obama Win?
Die-hard conservatives are in a quandary over whether to support the lesser of two evils (McCain) or to sit back and watch Obama bag himself a RINO (Republican in Name Only).Conservatives that sit out the election, will only help Obama win.
ditto eric...
It's no secret that the people who run the Democratic party are elitists to the core, and they use the dregs of society to maintain their power. "The folks" are only good for doing their bidding. Obama sees himself as an Emperor figure, and his minions look at him the same way. They know what's good for us, far better than we do. The fact that they control the MSM and can pump out schlock like this in unlimited quantities helps them control non-thinking individuals who only want to be told what to think by their idols.
Well, according to the Newsweek elitists it's a wonder I can manage to put my pants on each morning, let alone decide whom to vote for.
According to a recent Rassmussen poll:
If they could vote to keep or replace the entire Congress, 59% of voters would like to throw them all out and start over again. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that just 17% would vote to keep the current legislators in office.
Today, just 23% have even a little confidence in the ability of Congress to deal with the nation’s economic problems and only 24% believe most Members of Congress understand legislation before they vote on it.
My favorite part:
Only half (49%) believe that the current Congress is better than individuals selected at random from the phone book.
Sound like WE THE PEOPLE want a few more citizen leaders!
I know I do!!!
a photojournalist on fox news this morning gave the lowdown on what they perhaps did to this photo - he said he's met her and she's beautiful!
My useless unemployed brother-in-law meets the Constitutional requirements.
I don't want him nominated either.
Alleging fraud, authorities raid Barack Obama's Previous Employer: "ACORN"
Hmm, unemployed or employed by scum? Tough call Ducky.
Oh man, I've got a good joke I just read. There is no story, it's just a punch line. Here it is:
Barack Obama taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004.
Funniest thing I've heard all day so far. Oh wait... this one might be better.
During the 110th Congress, he helped create legislation regarding lobbying and electoral fraud.
So when he ran for president he knew exactly how to rig it all?
Meacham finds Palin to be incurious ...
She certainly seems to be. I was struck by the fact she couldn't name the periodicals or newspapers she used to keep up with world events or trends.
If she had answered with her local paper, the Wall Street Journal, National Review ... I would have said fine, she's a conservative. But she said nothing, she's just a bump.
Once again you have mixed up "couldn't name" with "WOULDN'T name."
Since when is reading periodicals a mark of anything but of someone with too much time on their hands, mr. ducky?
The problem is that, even with such horrible approval ratings, members of Congress continue to get re-elected.
Either people are not following through on their desires to "fire the ineffective" or the system is rigged to keep politicians in power. I think I know which one it is...
Write what they will, they can't make her ugly!!
Meacham's the one who did the expose of Christianity in America, right? it was awful.
Constitution? I heard a clip tonight where Obama said "we need a Supreme Court with a BETTER ATTITUDE!" ATTITUDE???ARGH!
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