It seems that since Barack now NEEDS to have Michigan and Florida to win the election he has turned full-circle on allowing them to be fully seated at the convention. This would be AFTER he fought tooth and nail to make sure they were not seated in order to give him a better chance at winning the primary and becoming the democrat nominee. Well how convenient is that? Yet another in his ever-growing closet full of flip-flops. Here's the story.
Sen. Barack Obama said Sunday that delegates from Florida and Michigan should get a "full vote" at the Democratic convention this month. "I believe party unity calls for the delegates from Florida and Michigan to be able to participate fully alongside the delegates from the other states and territories," he said in a letter to the co-chairs of the Democratic National Convention's Credentials Committee. Obama asked the committee to pass a resolution when it meets on August 24 to give each delegate a full vote. "As a candidate for the nomination, I supported the DNC's efforts to establish and enforce a schedule for primaries and caucuses that would broaden the opportunity for Democrats from all regions of the country and all backgrounds and walks of life to have a meaningful voice," he wrote. "As we prepare to come together in Denver, however, we must be -- and will be -- united in our determination to change the course of our nation. To that end, Democrats in Florida and Michigan must know that they are full partners and colleagues in our historic mission to reshape Washington and lead our country in a new direction."
He wouldn't HAVE the nomination today without cutting the Michigan and Florida delegations into "half votes".
He screwed Michigan and Florida over big time. And now he wants to smoke a cigarette with them. They should insist on a roll call vote at the convention and ALL vote for Hillary.
wonder what her heinous is thinking right about now?
Funny..I never thought of tying Obama and Imelda Marcos together, but you managed!! (Smile!) :-)
shoooooooooooooooooes!..I want me some..lol
Anything for power...that is his mantra!
Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!
Gasp. Shock. Stunned. Didn't see this coming in a million years.
I assumed all along he would pull something like this when he got the nom.
I still find it funny after all of the whinning the last two elections about the GOP disenfranchising the vote that the Dims are doing it themselves when it helps them out.
i was just looking at your "guns don't kill people - dad's with pretty daughters do!" and i mentioned it to nancson and he said, "your girls may turn heads but my girls break necks!"
Farmer, THAT would be beautiful! :)
I think if I were Hillary (thank gawd I'm not) I'd be having a bit of a fit right now...
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