The last day that the house was in session proved to be an interesting one indeed. Democrats refused to bring to a vote an issue that will eventually help Americans with one of their number one concerns, fuel prices.
Democrats stalled a vote on offshore oil drilling and called for an end to the legislative session, leaving the problem of fuel costs hanging without a solution for the Summer recess. So much for the Democrats caring for the little people.
Republicans refused to leave the floor and continued debating even though the session was over and even after the lights were shut off. Eventually the mics and television cameras were all turned off but the Republicans kept on debating as a sign of protest. Sticking up for the little people.
“Although this Democrat majority just adjourned for the Democrat 5-week vacation, House Republicans are continuing to fight on the House floor. Although the lights, mics and C-SPAN cameras have been turned off, House Republicans are on the floor speaking to the taxpayers in the gallery who, not surprisingly, agree with Republican energy proposals.
An editorial in today’s New Hampshire Union leader says that recent polls show that more than 2/3 of Americans believe that we should be drilling for more oil, the editorial then goes on to ask why the Democrats won’t vote on an issue that so many Americans are in agreement on.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid are desperate to avoid a vote on oil drilling before the November elections. They know they will lose such a vote, and they fear Republicans will get credit for taking action to lower oil and gas prices.
So to prevent that electoral nightmare, they simply refuse to allow a floor vote on offshore drilling
They are putting politics above the needs and will of the American people. They are so concerned that the Republicans will look like winners and that it will hurt their re-election chances that they would rather delay the vote and to hell with what the American people want. So they just ran and hid rather that facing the vote and the will of the people, to the chagrin of Republicans.
“This is the people’s House,” said Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (R-Mich.). “This is not Pelosi’s politiburo.”
When Republicans finally stopped the protest five hours after the session ended they were met with cheers:
Right at the stroke of five Georgia Rep. Tom Price announced that House Republicans were ending their impromptu protest on the floor of the chamber, ending a five-plus hour rebellion with a round of “God Bless America.”
The assembled tourists, aides and members in the chamber gave Price and his compatriots a standing ovation. They left the chamber to shouts of “USA! USA! USA!”
It in infuriating that these people have put their own pride and political maneuvering ahead of the wishes of the American people whom they have sworn to serve. They want to claim that drilling would not help and yet we saw the dramatic drop in oil prices when President Bush called for drilling. As for prices at the pump, our fuel prices here have dropped $.40 since Bush called for drilling. If the democrats in congress would have the American people in mind and allowed a vote the prices may be dropping right now another $.40 or maybe even more. I hope voters this November will repay these people who have put their own pride and maneuvering above OUR interests. Fuel prices are literally choking our economy. Fix the fuel prices and you WILL fix our economy.
Yes, who indeed cares for America and Americans?
Seems the dhimmicrats have abdicated their long standing falsehood of being for the "little man".
They stand proven as liars...
they will destroy our spirit if we let them..the Marxist America haters!..spit!
I heard the protest was going to be back on, on Monday...
I hope so FJ. Although I STILL haven't seen this story on the "news" networks yet.
Oh, that PICTURE!
i just can't look. eeeeuuuuooo
She's just trying to fight for the little guy Z.
I bet back in the day ol' Nancy was a hot lil' number!
I tell ya Papa Frank...I really need to get a girlfriend!
I would LOVE it if the GOP had the cajones to sit in Congress EVERY DAY for the next five weeks!
We shall see...
The Congressional approval level sits at 9%... I wonder what it will plummet to after this?
Edge...there's a VERY lucky girl out there just waiting for you, I promise!!
yes, Fj...the Republicans are baaaaaack in the dimly lit halls of Congress with tourists cheering their heads off for their being there and demanding the Dems get their act together(I could hear them behind the senator Laura Ingraham interviewed this morning)...but CSPAN "can't film the proceedings because it's not allowed if Congress isn't in session". HOW convenient, huh?
Mr. Smith went to Washington and where is Frank Capra when we NEED HIM?
Gee, the vote stalled and oil prices are down 25% at the well head.
Maybe my right wing brethren can explain that.
Hey dummy, I mean ducky, the vote stalled a couple of days ago and oil went down a few weeks ago when Bush lifted the presidential moratorium. Since the dimmicrats took a fat vacation our gas here raised 7 cents this morning. The first raise in 3 weeks.
Too bad Her Majesty didn't allow the C-SPAN cameras to film the GOP speeches.
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