I would like for everyone to meet our next Vice President. Sarah Palin is currently the Governor of Alaska and a strong conservative. Much like John McCain, she has fought corruption and wasteful spending. When she first took office she even sold the plane that the Governor's office had purchased and got 2.1 million dollars for it. She is a life long hunter and fisherman and a proud mother of 5 children. Her biggest accomplishments since taking office have dealt with finance reform and the cutting of needless spending and government earmarks. I am thrilled to once again have the opportunity to have an avid outdoorsman in the White House again. I look forward to watching her beat Joe Biden in the debates followed by beating him in arm wrestling or anything else. And Alaskans LOVE her -- approval ratings between 80% and 90%. America is going to LOVE her too! And if you are a doubter and think she can't handle such a big job then remember that we can cut Alaska in two and make Texas the THIRD largest state in the nation!
Didja jump the gun, PF? ;)
I am THRILLED with McCain's choice for VP! YEAH!
Even better was after Mc's classy ad congratulating Obama on his nomination, O's camp came out with a hateful, ridiculous attack today. They look like complete a-holes.
YAHOO!!! Looks like McCain took my advice! (See your last post...)
She will be the gold-lining on this lottery ticket...great move!
She's a better fisherman than Pawlenty, too. Compare the fish they're holding! LOL!
Once again Jason, I'm so glad for your blog...if not for it I'd have no clue how to wade through all the BS from the media. You make it easy. Thx!
A real woman! So thrilled!
You're pictures sum it up. She will have a wide appeal.
I likey, likey me some Sarah Palin!
And I wouldn't complain if this swings all the "stupids" our way. They are voting for the wrong reasons in the first place, so they might as well vote for McCain! (If you don't like being called a "stupid", get educated) I'm talking about at least 50% of Hilary's supporters, you know, what do they call themselves? Feminists? Female sensitivists? Sexuality change advocates? Progressive sexists? The future? No... Hmm, anyway...
Nice choice McCain!
Hey, I'm thinking your Pawlenty post will go down in history like DEWEY WINS, right!?
Well, we all thought it's be Pawlenty or Romney,didn't we!
HURRAH HURRAH! Palin is Perfect!
(okay, except for the mooose...Where's Mr. Green Jeans?)
She's quite the lady, I'd say. Wouldn't you Bullwinkle?
Hey, we'll just call her NATASHA, Bullwinkle!!
Yep, I thought it would be Romney.
But she is AWESOME!!!
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