For those of you who have never had twins in your life we offer our heartfelt condolences. The wonders of two small humans with identical DNA are beyond imagination. We have the privilege of enjoying one child who loves pink with every fiber of her being. Here are some other observations concerning her: justice, kindness, tenderness, laughter, brilliance, caretaker, not forgetful, and unforgettable. Our other child that we have the privilege of enjoying is quite simply a powerhouse of individuality. Other observations are: boldness, kindness, loyalty, brilliant, fierce, showman, loving, and lovable. Identical DNA does not at all make identical beings. So much of our society labels people's potential and possibilities on what degree they hold or what neighborhood they're from or what their appearance is. Even the core make-up of our beings (DNA) cannot confine the possibilities of our lives. Our girls are as different as day and night thanks to Him who is able to do immeasureably more than all we can ask or imagine!