
The never ending pursuit of the beautiful -- part 4

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien -- what a genius!!! I don't think there is a work of fiction ever written that surpasses the intricacy and yet simplicity of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. As a matter of fact, to many this work feels more like a textbook of history than a work of fiction. Tolkien was a professor at Oxford and a contemporary and friend of C.S. Lewis. What I find truly beautiful about this man is his ability to create an entire world full of multiple races, all with their own histories and customs and songs and heroes. Not only this but he made them all intertwine and mingle and in the end to learn to appreciate eachother. He also had his faith woven into the world he created in an organic way that should be an example to all of us to live our faith and not push our faith onto people. For his thoughtful and creative life I call him beautiful.


Yehudi said...

Hmm...I am a little embarassed to admit this, but I have never seen Lord of the Rings, nor read any of the books..they seem a little too...out there. My wife is into that, but I'm not. He is, however, clearly a literary genius.

Rustin S said...

Nice work, Jason. I'm enjoying this series!

Anonymous said...

I think that Tolkien was an infantry officer in the British Army during World War I, and that he was a contemporary of Robert Graves, and Seigfried Sasson, both of whom also served in the trenches.

I saw last week where Tokien's grandson got busted for drugs. Kind of sad.

WomanHonorThyself said...

nice post.......What I find truly beautiful about this man is his ability to create an entire world full of multiple races, all with their own histories and customs and songs and heroes....nicely said!..Happy Chanukah to your and yours as well!

Rita Loca said...

LOTR is awesome. I have read the series including, The Hobbit (There and Back) aloud to all my children .

Anonymous said...

His was a wonderful exhortation to virtue. If we ever want our kids to keep and maintain our values, they must first learn to love them...

Brooke said...

Tolkien is truly great.

Papa Frank said...

Daniel -- give it a try, you'll be doing yourself a favor

Rustin -- thanks!

Hermit -- Yeah, Tolkien was hurt in the trenches and came up with some of his ideas that he later used while recovering

WHT -- Thanks for the compliment!

Jungle Mom -- my twin girls are 4 but we'll definitely be doing the same when they're a little older.

Farmer -- This statement is so true. We can teach and preach both to our kids but it's up to them to make these principles their own. If they see how our faith and our beliefs make our lives better they will love the life that it gives them and they will make it their own.

Brooke -- I agree wholeheartedly!

elmers brother said...

I agree with FJ...so many of the characters were noble and courageous....we need more of that.

Michael said...

It's not just that Tolkien's characters were noble and courageous, it's that they never stopped fighting evil, even when they knew they couldn't win.

Definitely a good choice, Mr. Frank.

Papa Frank said...

Thanks for stopping by, Michael. I saw your new pictures of your girls and the are lovely. Skip the Mr. and call me Jason. I agree with your assessment of Tolken's characters. He was so good at coming up with "rich" characters that were full of life. They seemed too good to be true but felt as real as you or I.

ElBro -- nobility and courage is what we are in dire need of in our country and in a leader for not only us but for Israel as well.