As most of you already know, last year my good friend Daniel and I put a wager on the outcome of Superbowl XLII. We left the wager up to the blog readers here and Brooke came up with the bet that the loser would have to put on their wife's dress and post pictures on the winner's blog. As I KNEW that the NY Giants were going to put a hurtin' on the cheating Patriots I gladly accepted the wager and the terms.
This year we are going to reprise our bet as I am equally convinced that the Arizona Cardinals are going to put the hammer down on the Pittsburgh Steelers (sorry Elbro). Big Ben is going to be chopped down to size and Larry Fitgerald is going to make a mockery of what the Steelers call "defense." So get your "terrible towel" out to wipe up your tears, Daniel. And start picking out a nice dress from your wife's closet. Maybe matching shoes and a beaded necklace this year to really complete your ensemble. Everyone else -- stay tuned. One request. Could someone please put ex-lax in Troy Polamalu's breakfast tomorrow?